Mirosław Opoka, Developer in Innsbruck, Austria
Mirosław is available for hire
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Mirosław Opoka

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Innsbruck, Austria
Toptal Member Since
November 11, 2015

Miroslaw是一名拥有20多年经验的软件工程师, translating business dreams into actionable plans, robust architectures, and maintainable products. 他专门研究面向对象的Linux和嵌入式系统的C语言解决方案, C++, 以及用于可靠性和安全性至关重要的工业应用的Python. Miroslaw促进开放的沟通,以确保业务逻辑被很好地理解, the code is clean and readable, and the final product is future-proof.


Leybold GmbH
Chubb Fire and Security




Preferred Environment

Python, c++ 17,嵌入式c++, CMake, Git, Vim Text Editor, Debian, Linux

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2021
Leybold GmbH
  • 设计了一个健壮的嵌入式软件架构,允许非技术用户构建嵌入式系统. 这样一来,新产品就完全不必用C/ c++编写了.
  • 帮助建立最先进的编码实践,以确保代码质量.
  • 为该项目的几个分包商提供咨询并担任技术主管.
  • Wrote the initial POC code, 其中包括嵌入一个易于选择和特定领域组件的系统, 代码生成器将公共部分与特定于项目的部分“粘合”在一起, and building a system for full automation.
Technologies: 面向对象编程(OOP),嵌入式系统,代码体系结构, Unix Shell Scripting, Git, C, Code Generators, Shell Scripting, Python, Remote Team Leadership, Software Architecture, STM32, Embedded C, Embedded Linux, Embedded C++, CMake, C++17, C++, Test-driven Development (TDD), Embedded Software, Embedded Development, IP Networks, Software Engineering, CAN Bus, CANopen, Real-time Operating System (RTOS), TCP/IP, Standard Template Library (STL), Makefile, CI/CD Pipelines, Computer Engineering, Debian, Linux, Linux IPC, C++11, C++14, Team Leadership, Networking, Automated Testing, Python 3, Bash, Bash Script

C++ Engineer (Embedded Linux)

2019 - 2021
Chubb Fire and Security
  • Redesigned an old, mission-critical C application into distributed, 新嵌入式Linux上的c++ 17网络应用程序, running on mangOH hardware.
  • Introduced TDD for a brand new version of the system.
  • Modularized the software and tests (TDD), 因为它大大缩短了反馈循环,从而导致了更快的开发. The target was an embedded Linux system.
Technologies: 嵌入式C语言,软件体系结构,面向对象编程(OOP), Unix Shell Scripting, Embedded Systems, C, Code Architecture, Python, Embedded C++, Git, Linux, C++, Embedded Software, TCP/IP, Embedded Linux, CMake, C++17, Test-driven Development (TDD), Embedded Development, Software Engineering, IP Networks, Shell Scripting, Standard Template Library (STL), Makefile, GSM, Networking, CI/CD Pipelines, C++11, C++14, Automated Testing, Python 3, Bash, Bash Script

Senior Software Engineer

2011 - 2018
  • 在c++ 11中创建了FastCGI和WebSockets多进程后端,用于交通灯控制器的web界面. 后端在资源非常有限的嵌入式设备上高效运行.
  • 创建了一个基于docker的系统来模拟连接到基于web的中央系统的不同类型的嵌入式Linux设备. As a result, 测试中央系统和开发新功能并不需要很多真正的硬件设备.
  • 加快并优化了一个交通灯控制器的网络平台, delivering it on time for the client's trade show.
  • 为亚马逊产品的价格和评论比较编写了一个门户.
Technologies: 嵌入式C语言,软件体系结构,面向对象编程(OOP), Unix Shell Scripting, Embedded Systems, CMake, Traffic Engineering, MySQL, Code Architecture, Embedded C++, Team Leadership, Git, Linux, Embedded Software, STM32, Python, Embedded Linux, Standard Template Library (STL), C++17, C++, C, IP Networks, Software Engineering, Test-driven Development (TDD), Embedded Development, Code Generators, TCP/IP, Shell Scripting, Google Test, Makefile, C++11, C++14, Computer Engineering, Debian, Linux IPC, Networking, Automated Testing, Python 3, Bash, Bash Script

Senior Software Development Engineer

2004 - 2010
  • 在嵌入式Linux上将一个交通灯控制器从386移植到ARM.
  • 构建Linux内核模块来支持交通灯控制器.
  • 创建了一个针对嵌入式Linux优化的进程间通信守护进程(数据总线).
  • 写了一个高性能的包装库,用于与荷兰使用的交通灯控制器通信.
  • 开发了一个后端使用C语言,前端使用Ext JS的web管理平台.
Technologies: Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Unix Shell Scripting, Embedded Systems, CMake, Traffic Engineering, MySQL, Code Architecture, Python, Embedded C++, Git, Embedded Linux, Linux, Embedded Software, C++, C, Code Generators, IP Networks, Software Engineering, CAN Bus, Embedded Development, TCP/IP, Shell Scripting, Standard Template Library (STL), Google Test, Makefile, Computer Engineering, Debian, Embedded C, Linux IPC, Networking, Remote Team Leadership, Real-time Operating System (RTOS), Software Architecture, Automated Testing, Python 3, Bash, Bash Script

Software Developer

2002 - 2004
ProFile Computersysteme GmbH
  • 创建了一个体育赛事模拟器,这样系统就可以用过去的数据进行测试. 足球比赛中的事件包括将球从一名球员传给另一名球员或进球.
  • 使用Perl和XSLT处理收集和度量计算之间的数据.
  • Created code for controlling a video mixer. It was a shared library, 编写的代码可以同时在Windows和Linux上编译,而不需要任何修改.
Technologies: Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Unix Shell Scripting, MySQL, Code Architecture, Linux, C++, C, Software Engineering, TCP/IP, Shell Scripting, Makefile, Bash, Bash Script

Senior Software Developer | Network Administrator

2000 - 2002
  • 与人合作创建了一个全自动网络托管系统——波兰第一个.
  • 为不同的客户设计和编码基于web的门户(LAMP).
  • 为公司服务器提供网络管理:Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris.
Technologies: Unix Shell Scripting, C, Linux, C++, Shell Scripting, MySQL, TCP/IP, Makefile, Bash, Bash Script


设计了基于stm32的系统软件架构,使底层代码与业务逻辑分离清晰, developed a set of tests for the latter, and automated execution (CI). With this approach, 与传统的嵌入式开发相比,该产品可以更快地为最终版本做好准备.

C++ Code Generators

在Python中设计并实现c++代码生成器,以创建整个系统的用户特定部分. 这允许创建高度定制的嵌入式产品,并通过降低低级编程的风险显著降低新产品开发成本.

Fast Interprocess Communication Mechanism

创建了一个快速数据总线,用于在嵌入式Linux平台的连接进程之间交换消息. 它支持直接和广播消息以及订阅机制. 重点是性能、低内存和CPU占用,最重要的是易用性. 最终的产品能够在一块硬件上每秒处理数千条消息,只有几MB的RAM和一个比目前使用的低端手机慢几倍的CPU.


c++ 17,嵌入式C, C, c++, Python,嵌入式c++, c++ 11, c++ 14, Python 3, Bash, Bash Script


Standard Template Library (STL)


Makefile, Git, CMake




Debian, Embedded Linux, Linux, STM32


Code Architecture, Shell Scripting, TCP/IP, Team Leadership, Software Architecture, Remote Team Leadership, Embedded Development, Traffic Engineering, Embedded Systems, Unix Shell Scripting, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Linux IPC, Networking, IP Networks, Code Generators, Embedded Software, GSM, CAN Bus, CANopen, Real-time Operating System (RTOS), CI/CD Pipelines


Google Test



1996 - 2001

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering


Collaboration That Works

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